There are several increased dangers when driving during the summer months. More people are on the road and longer trips are common from May through September, making driver fatigue a real issue during this time. The NHTSA suggests around 100,000 crashes are caused each year by drowsy drivers. You can help prevent causing an accident by making sure you get plenty of rest before heading out, carefully planning stops on longer trips, and pulling over or switching drivers when you start to feel sleepy.
Drunk Driving
Instances of drunk driving increase exponentially during the summertime. The NHTSA reports that alcohol-related driving fatalities double during the summer months, with Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day being among the most deadly of the year.
You can help prevent these accidents by only driving while sober. Even one drink can impair your ability to drive. Select a designated driver, call a rideshare, or use MARTA to get to and from your destination.
Driving a vehicle while texting is six times more dangerous than intoxicated driving. It is illegal to text while your vehicle is in motion in Georgia, but cellphone use while driving poses dangers even when your car is stopped. Distracted drivers cause millions of accidents every year – 1.6 million due to cellphone use alone. To be safe, turn your phone to silent and put it out of reach while you drive. This will help remove the temptation and may even save your life.
Texting is not the only type of distracted driving. Eating and drinking can cause distraction. So too can personal grooming, adjusting controls like A/C, and using GPS – all things that become common as people take longer trips. Do everything you can to avoid these and other distractions to help keep yourself and everyone on the road as safe as possible.
We Are Here to Help
If you are injured due to someone else’s negligence this summer, Chance, Forlines, Carter & King is here to help. Give us a call at 404-760-7400 to schedule a complimentary case review at one of our Atlanta offices to learn more about your rights and your legal options.